Get D&O Insurance for Your Business

Don’t let a lawsuit cost you your company. Protect your executive’s personal assets with D&O Insurance.

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4.9 out of 5 client reviews
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Why You Need D&O Insurance

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Protects Acting Board Members and Officers
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Defends Against Mismanagement Allegations
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Safeguards Your Financials From Legal Fees and Settlements
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What Does D&O Insurance Cover?

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Defense Costs

Defense Costs

Covers legal fees and expenses incurred in defending against lawsuits alleging wrongful acts.

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Settlements and Judgments

Settlements and Judgments

Up to policy limits, the insurance company pays settlements and judgments awarded against directors and officers.

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Personal Assets Protection

Personal Assets Protection

Shields personal assets of directors and officers from being seized to satisfy judgments.

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Reimburses directors and officers for legal costs and expenses they are personally liable for.

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Investigation Costs

Investigation Costs

Covers costs associated with investigations into alleged wrongful acts.

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Regulatory Proceedings

Regulatory Proceedings

Provides defense and coverage for regulatory investigations and proceedings.

Have questions about D&O Insurance for your business?

Who Needs D&O Insurance?

Startups and Venture-Backed Companies

High growth and risk environments make protection crucial.

Private Equity-Backed Companies

Shareholders have high expectations and litigation risks are present.

Professional Service Firms

Exposed to claims related to professional negligence.

Family-Owned Businesses

Personal assets of directors and officers are at stake.

Technology Companies

Vulnerable to data breaches and cyberattacks.

Any Company with a Board of Directors or Advisory Committee

Even small companies face potential lawsuits.

How much does D&O Insurance cost?

Disclaimer: Your actual D&O insurance cost is influenced by the quantity and nature of data you store, internal controls, your industry, customer base, and revenue.

Incidents Cost Without Insurance

Breach of Fiduciary Duty

$1 million

Shareholder Lawsuits

$5 million

Product Liability Lawsuits

$10 million

  • Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Underwriting Society’s 2023 D&O Claims Study
  • Securities and Exchange Commission’s 2023 Enforcement Report
  • Consumer Product Safety Commission’s 2023 Annual Report
Annual Premium

Early Stage ($0-$5 ARR)

$4,900 - $12,900

Growth Stage ($5 million to $20 ARR)

$7,800 - $19,700

Late Stage ($20m+ ARR)

$17,300 - $66,400

Incidents Cost Without Insurance

Breach of Fiduciary Duty

$1 million

Shareholder Lawsuits

$5 million

Product Liability Lawsuits

$10 million

  • Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Underwriting Society’s 2023 D&O Claims Study
  • Securities and Exchange Commission’s 2023 Enforcement Report
  • Consumer Product Safety Commission’s 2023 Annual Report
Annual Premium

Early Stage ($0-$5 ARR)

$4,900 - $12,900

Growth Stage ($5 million to $20 ARR)

$7,800 - $19,700

Late Stage ($20m+ ARR)

$17,300 - $66,400

How to Get Started

Assess Risk

Submit an application and have our 1-1 advisor evaluate your startup’s unique vulnerabilities and potential liabilities.

Choose Coverage

Select tailored insurance policies that address your startup’s specific needs.

Partner and Protect

Connect with a trusted insurance provider and secure your startup’s future.


Ready to apply for D&O Insurance?

Case Studies

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Pre-Arranged ERP Pricing

Pre-Arranged ERP Pricing

FutureTech, a growing tech company, negotiated pre-arranged extended reporting period (ERP) pricing with their D&O insurer before being acquired by MegaCorp. This ensured coverage for claims arising from past actions even after the policy ended. Six months later, former shareholders sued the former leadership, alleging mismanagement. The pre-arranged ERP enabled the D&O policy to respond, with the insurer covering legal costs and a $3 million settlement, protecting the former leadership from personal liability.

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Broad Change in Control and M&A Provisions

Broad Change in Control and M&A Provisions

During a merger with XYZ Industries, ABC Manufacturing’s board provided financial data crucial for valuing the company. After the merger, shareholders sued the board for misrepresenting financial metrics and failing to disclose risks, undervaluing the company. ABC’s comprehensive D&O policy with broad M&A provisions provided defense and coverage for the board, resulting in a $5 million settlement and protecting them from personal liability.

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Class Certification Investigation

Class Certification Investigation

MNO Corporation launches a new, innovative smartphone line, but reports emerge of overheating and fire risks. Regulatory authorities investigate and mandate a recall, leading to financial losses. Shareholders sue the board for negligence and breach of fiduciary duty, alleging they ignored safety concerns and withheld information. MNO’s D&O insurance may cover defense costs and potential settlements, protecting the board’s personal assets and the company’s balance sheet. While product liability might be excluded, the lawsuit focuses on board actions, making the D&O policy likely to respond.

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Employed Lawyers

Employed Lawyers

GlobalTech’s in-house lawyers faced lawsuits from competitors alleging patent infringement. One case involved potential damages of over $10 million. A shareholder accused the lawyers of unethical conduct and negligence, prompting them to seek protection under the company’s D&O insurance with employed lawyers’ coverage. The D&O insurer appointed an independent legal team for the lawyers and, after negotiations, settled the claim for $2 million, covered by the policy. This protected the lawyers’ reputations and personal assets, allowing them to continue defending GlobalTech.

Schedule a time to speak with a D&O Insurance Advisor