Get Tech E&O Insurance for Your Business

Protect your tech company from the financial fallout of errors, omissions, or negligence in your products or services.

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4.9 out of 5 client reviews
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4.9 out of 5 client reviews
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Why You Need Tech E&O Insurance

maintains legal compliance icon ga
Protects against financial loss due to tech errors
protect icon ga
Satisfies client contract requirements
covers data recovery icon ga
Customizable to new technology risks
growth stage splash

What Does Tech E&O Insurance Cover?

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Negligence or Errors in Tech Services

Negligence or Errors in Tech Services

Protects against claims of professional negligence or mistakes in the services provided.

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Product Failures

Product Failures

Covers issues arising from the malfunctioning of software or hardware products.

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Cybersecurity Incidents

Cybersecurity Incidents

Provides protection in cases where a tech product or service leads to a data breach or exacerbates a cybersecurity issue.

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Defamation, Libel, or Slander

Defamation, Libel, or Slander

Protects against claims of harm caused by statements or representations made by the company.

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Loss of Client Data

Loss of Client Data

Offers coverage for incidents resulting in the loss of client data, whether through accidental deletion or system failures.

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Project Delays and Overruns

Project Delays and Overruns

Covers liabilities arising from delays in project completion or budget overruns attributable to technological errors or omissions.

Have questions about Tech E&O Insurance for your business?

Who Needs Tech E&O Insurance?

Software & App Developers

Tech E&O insurance protects developers against claims arising from software malfunctions or delivery delays that could cause financial loss to their clients.

Website Designers

Tech E&O insurance safeguards against potential legal actions due to website errors, downtime, or performance issues impacting client business.

Cybersecurity Companies

Must have Tech E&O insurance to cover liabilities related to data breaches or security failures in the cybersecurity solutions they provide.

Digital Marketing Agencies

Tech E&O insurance defends against claims of misrepresentation or ineffective marketing strategies that could harm a client’s business.

IT Professionals

Tech E&O insurance protects against claims of negligence or inadequate IT services leading to client data loss or system failures.

Cloud Computing Companies

Tech E&O insurance covers potential liabilities from service interruptions or data losses that affect their clients’ operations.

And More

Companies providing tech-based services or products benefit the most from Tech E&O insurance, especially those where professional errors and omissions could lead to significant financial loss.

How Much Does Tech E&O Insurance Cost?

Disclaimer: Your actual Tech E&O insurance cost is influenced by the quantity and nature of data you store, internal controls, your industry, customer base, and revenue.

Incidents Cost Without Insurance

Negligence lawsuits


Malpractice lawsuits


Annual Premium

Early Stage ($0-$5M ARR)

$2,300 - $9,000

Growth Stage ($5M - $20M ARR)

$9,800 - $30,100

Late Stage ($20M+ ARR)

$25,000 - $124,300

Incidents Cost Without Insurance

Negligence lawsuits


Malpractice lawsuits


Annual Premium

Early Stage ($0-$5M ARR)

$2,300 - $9,000

Growth Stage ($5M - $20M ARR)

$9,800 - $30,100

Late Stage ($20M+ ARR)

$25,000 - $124,300

Partnering with Founder Shield

We’re a risk management partner for high-growth companies across emerging markets, striving to create the most seamless, intuitive, and responsive insurance-purchasing experience powered by proprietary technology and insurance products.

Trusted by Venture


Venture Backed Companies


Total Funding Raised by Clients


NPS Score (Industry Avg = 34)

How to Get Started

Assess Risk

Submit an application and have our 1-1 advisor evaluate your startup’s unique vulnerabilities and potential liabilities.

Choose Coverage

Select tailored insurance policies that address your startup’s specific needs.

Partner and Protect

Connect with a trusted insurance provider and secure your startup’s future.


Ready to apply for Tech E&O Insurance?

Case Studies

1 1

Software Development Error

Software Development Error

A software development company releases a custom accounting application for a client. However, due to a coding error, the software miscalculates financial figures, leading to significant accounting discrepancies and financial losses for the client. The client files a claim against the software company for professional negligence and the financial damages incurred due to the error.

2 1

IT Consulting Misadvice

IT Consulting Misadvice

An IT consulting firm advises a client to implement a specific network security solution. The solution fails to prevent a major cyberattack, resulting in a data breach of the client’s sensitive customer information. The client sues the IT consulting firm for providing negligent advice and failing to recommend a more robust security system, leading to reputational damage and financial loss.

3 1

Web Design Functionality Failure

Web Design Functionality Failure

A web design company creates an e-commerce site for a retail client. Post-launch, the website experiences frequent downtimes and checkout process errors, causing a loss in sales and damaging the retailer’s reputation. The retailer files a claim against the web design company for the loss of income and additional costs incurred due to the website’s malfunctioning.

4 1

Cloud Service Data Loss:

Cloud Service Data Loss:

A cloud computing company experiences a server malfunction, resulting in significant data loss for a client’s critical business operations. The data included essential customer records and proprietary information. As a result, the client faces operational disruptions and a loss of trust from its customers. The client sues the cloud service provider for the financial impact of the data loss, citing negligence in maintaining and protecting their data on the cloud platform.

Schedule a time to speak with a Tech E&O Insurance Advisor