Get Unmatched IP Insurance Protection

Protect your company from costly infringement claims and lawsuits, whether you’re defending against accusations or enforcing your own IP rights.

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What IP Insurance Covers

Intellectual property (IP) insurance covers legal expenses in IP litigation, whether defending against claims or enforcing your own rights. Defense policies help cover judgments or settlements, while enforcement policies allow you to pursue infringers and recover legal costs with the insurer’s approval.

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Defense Coverage

Defense Coverage

For companies that could be accused of intellectual property infringement, patent infringement, or trademark infringement.

This part provides money for defense costs and any judgments/settlements against you if you’re held liable for infringing on a patent, trademark, copyright, or other forms of IP

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Enforcement Coverage

Enforcement Coverage

For companies that own patents, copyrights, and trademarks.

This feature lets you go on the offensive with the help of your intellectual property insurance carrier. The policy will fund the litigation against the guilty party and allow you to recoup the income you’ve lost due to the infringement.

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Patent Insurance

Patent Insurance

An IP insurance policy can include coverage for patents, copyrights, and other specific types of IP.

The phrases “Intellectual Property insurance” and “Patent insurance” are sometimes used interchangeably, but not all IP insurance policies include coverage for a patent infringement lawsuit.

Who Needs IP Insurance?

Tech Startups

These companies often develop unique software, algorithms, or products that are vulnerable to infringement.

Consumer Brands

Businesses that design and produce consumer goods need IP insurance to protect their designs, trademarks, and brand identity.

Media & Entertainment

Companies in film, music, publishing, and digital content need IP insurance to protect copyrights and trademarks from unauthorized use.

Holding Patents

Companies holding one or more patents (such as those in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries) are incredibly vulnerable to costly patent infringement litigation.

Infringement Vulnerability

Competitors frequently violate another company’s IP, necessitating the need for protection.

Accidental infringement

It’s not out of the question to infringe upon some other business’s IP, in which case litigation will follow.

Grow with Founder Shield

Founder Shield partners with high-growth companies in emerging markets to deliver a seamless and intuitive insurance experience. Our proprietary technology and specialized insurance products ensure responsive and customized solutions that evolve with your business.


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Service and Capabilities

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Service and Capabilities

Tailored policies to address the unique risks of the fintech sector, ensuring comprehensive protection.

Expert guidance

Expert Guidance

Access to experts with deep knowledge of fintech risks, regulatory environments, and best practices.

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Quick Coverage, Easy Access

Submit an application in under 15 minutes and manage all your policies & claims on our simple online platform.

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Full Market Access

Access to a network of 200+ carriers to ensure comprehensive protection across all potential risks unique to your company.

Get peace of mind - apply for IP insurance now

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