Errors & Omissions

Also known as professional liability, this policy protects professionals from claims arising from errors or omissions in their work.

Errors & Omissions FAQs

What Is E&O Insurance Rated On?
Luke Kaltreider

More often than not, the answer is revenue. Changes in revenue will often be the driving factor for rate change on renewal. But how is…

Post Views 1054
What Are Common Exclusions On an E&O Insurance Policy?
Luke Kaltreider

Claims that should be covered by other insurance. โ€ข Bodily injury/property damage (BI/PD): should be covered by GL, property, workers comp, employers liability. โ€ข Products…

Post Views 1273
What Are Common Enhancements On an E&O Insurance Policy?
Luke Kaltreider

Cyber Any Tech E&O policy should also include first and third party cyber insurance. This would protect against liability from data breaches, accidentally sharing malicious…

Post Views 1228
Would a Company Need Professional E&O for a Licensing Agreement With Another Company To Access Their IP?
Marissa Yorkshire Founder Shield

When a company enters into a licensing agreement with another company to access their Intellectual Property (IP), procuring professional Errors & Omissions (E&O) insurance can…

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