Insurance FAQs

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What Factors Determine the Cost of Cyber Liability Insurance?
Jonathan Selby - Founder Shield

• data: what type of data is being collected and how much is being collected? • controls: what type of security measures and incident response plans…

Post Views 889
What Are Common Exclusions On a Cyber Liability Policy?
Jonathan Selby - Founder Shield

Claims that should be covered by other insurance, such as: • Bodily injury/property damage (BI/PD): should be covered by GL, property, workers comp, employers liability.…

Post Views 1713
What Are Common Coverage Enhancements On a Cyber Liability Policy?
Jonathan Selby - Founder Shield

Cyber crime There’s disagreement within the industry about where this coverage should be found. Are cyber policies better equipped to deal with computer crime since they are…

Post Views 1027
What Is Employment Practices Liability Insurance Rated On?
Jonathan Mitchell Founder Shield

• number of employees and compensation: the more employees you have, the greater the likelihood of one submitting an employment-related claim. Well-paid employees make claims for…

Post Views 1372


Insurance terms can be complicated, learn directly from expert answers from your frequently asked insurance questions

cyber faq category icon
Protects a business against financial losses and legal liabilities resulting from data breaches, cyberattacks, and other cyber security incidents.
DO faq icon
Directors & Officers
Covers directors and officers of a company in case of lawsuits related to their actions or decisions.
employment practices liability icon faq
Employment Practices Liability
Covers an employer against claims related to employment practices, such as discrimination, harassment, or wrongful termination.
errors omissions icon faq
Errors & Omissions
Also known as professional liability, this policy protects professionals from claims arising from errors or omissions in their work.
workers compensation faq icon
General FAQs
Your general insurance questions not specific to any particular coverage.
gen liability icon faq
General Liability
Protects a business from claims of bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury caused by its operations.
intellectual property icon faq
Intellectual Property
Covers a business's intangible assets, such as patents, copyrights, and trademarks, from infringement or misuse.
product liability faq icon
Product Liability
Protects businesses from legal claims arising from defective products that result in injuries or damages.
property icon faq
Property Insurance
Protects a business’s physical property, such as buildings, equipment, and inventory, against loss or damage.
employment practices liability icon faq
Workers Comp
Provides benefits to employees injured on the job, including medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation.