Directors & Officers

Covers directors and officers of a company in case of lawsuits related to their actions or decisions.

D&O Insurance FAQs

What Drives D&O Insurance Costs?
Jonathan Selby - Founder Shield

Here are some key factors affecting D&O insurance costs: • Company size and financial health: Larger, less stable companies face higher premiums. • Industry: High-risk…

Post Views 339
Even if a Company Has Not Raised Money From Investors, Why Would It Be a Good Idea for Them To Carry D&O Insurance?
Justin-Kozak, Vice President

Carrying Directors and Officers (D&O) insurance can be a prudent decision for companies, even if they have not raised money from investors, for a multitude…

Post Views 104
What Are the Key Differences Between Directors & Officers Insurance and Personal Guarantee Insurance?
Carl Niedbala - Founder Shield

Directors & Officers (D&O) Insurance protects company directors and officers from personal liability arising from lawsuits related to their management decisions. It covers legal costs…

Post Views 301