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  2. Insurance Terms Starting With N

Naturally Occurring Substances

What are Naturally Occurring Substances?

Naturally Occurring Substances may refer to substances that are found in nature, such as minerals, metals, plants, and animals. These substances are not artificially created or synthetically produced and can be found naturally in the environment.

Naturally Occurring Substances in More Detail

Naturally Occurring Substances can also refer to substances that occur naturally in the environment, such as water, air, soil, or the natural components of the atmosphere. These substances are not created by humans and are not controlled by humans.

In the insurance industry, Naturally Occurring Substances typically refers to substances that are created or released naturally, such as rain, snow, hail, and other forms of precipitation; mud or dust storms; volcanic eruptions; and seismic activity. These events can cause property damage and may require coverage for losses.

In general, Naturally Occurring Substances are substances that are not created or controlled by humans, and are found naturally in the environment. These substances can be a source of potential damage or harm to property and individuals, and may be covered under an insurance policy. Understanding the definition and meaning of Naturally Occurring Substances can help individuals determine the best type of insurance coverage for their needs.