Monitoring and Visibility Products are specialized tools and solutions designed to provide real-time insights and oversight into the operational performance, security, and health of IT infrastructure, applications, and services. The...
Mergers and Acquisitions may refer to the consolidation of companies or assets through various types of financial transactions. A merger is a combination of two or more companies into a...
Misrepresentation Insurance may refer to insurance coverage that protects an insured from losses resulting from the insured's misstatement or misrepresentation of a material fact in the course of business. Misrepresentation...
Monopolistic States may refer to states that limit competition in the insurance industry to a single insurer. This means that instead of having multiple companies offering insurance in a given...
Mill construction is a term used to refer to the construction of buildings that are used in various industrial contexts, such as saw mills, paper mills, and flour mills. The...
Management Liability Insurance, also known as Directors and Officers (D&O) Insurance, may refer to a type of insurance that covers the liability of directors and officers in a company for...
The MCS-90 Endorsement is a specific type of insurance endorsement that provides additional coverage on motor carriers’ liability policies. This endorsement is required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration...
Managing General Agent (MGA) may refer to a person or entity that has been appointed by an insurance company to act as its representative in a certain geographic region. The...
Medical Malpractice may refer to any act or omission by a healthcare professional that deviates from accepted standards of practice in the medical community and causes harm to a patient....
Malfeasance is a legal term that may refer to an act of misconduct, or improper action, by a public official or employee. It is defined as an intentional illegal act...
Malpractice is a term that may refer to negligence, or failure to provide a reasonable standard of care, in either professional or medical services. In the legal sense, malpractice is...
A mineral lease refers to a legal agreement between the owner of mineral rights (the lessor) and a third party (the lessee). In the lease, the lessor grants the lessee...
Means and methods of construction refer to the techniques, procedures, and materials used during the construction process. In the insurance industry, means and methods of construction are important because they...
Moral hazard, a crucial concept in the insurance and economic realms, refers to the change in behavior of an individual or entity due to the presence of insurance coverage, leading...
Morale hazard, a term frequently used in the insurance industry, is closely associated with the behavior and attitude of policyholders towards risk. The definition of morale hazard refers to a...