The term "Expiry Date" in insurance is crucial in determining the duration and validity of an insurance policy. The definition of 'Expiry Date' refers to the specific date on which...
ERISA Fidelity Bond, also known as an Employee Retirement Income Security Act Fidelity Bond, may refer to a type of insurance that covers losses caused by dishonest acts of the...
In the intricate landscape of financial crimes and insurance, the term "Embezzlement" may refer to the act of dishonestly withholding or misappropriating funds or assets that have been entrusted to...
Extended Reporting Period is a term that may refer to an option available to policyholders when their policy is up for renewal or has expired. It is a coverage option...
Exclusion Clauses are terms found in insurance policies which limit or restrict coverage for certain types of claims or losses. They may refer to specific situations or events which are...
"Errors and omissions" is a term commonly encountered within the context of Directors and Officers (D&O) terminology. By definition, "errors and omissions" denote the mistakes, oversights, or negligence that might...
Exclusion may refer to the act of omitting or denying something, or the state of being excluded. In the context of D&O insurance, an exclusion is a type of clause...
An ex gratia payment refers to a voluntary payment made by an insurance company to an insured party, even though it may not be legally obligated to do so. It...
An employee leasing company is a specialized firm that offers comprehensive employment services to other companies. The leasing company provides employees to client businesses as contractors or third-party workers. The...
Exclusive remedy is a legal concept that limits the compensation available to an injured party to only those benefits defined in the insurance policy. It states that when an individual...
An easement appurtenant, in the realm of commercial insurance, refers to a legal right that grants a property owner the privilege to use a specific portion of another person's property...
Exposure, in the realm of commercial insurance, refers to the level of risk or vulnerability that a business or individual faces regarding potential losses or damages. It represents the extent...
Examination Under Oath (EUO) is a formal process in which an insurance company can investigate an insurance claim. During an EUO, the claimant, or anyone with knowledge of the claim,...
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, commonly called ERISA, is a law that helps protect workers who participate in employer-sponsored health and retirement plans. The law establishes standards...
Express authority, within the realm of insurance, refers to a legal concept that may refer to the explicit powers and permissions granted by an insurer to an agent or representative....
Equitable estoppel is a legal doctrine that may refer to a principle used in insurance law and other areas of legal practice. It is a concept rooted in fairness and...
Equipment breakdown insurance, a specialized type of coverage within the insurance industry, specifically addresses the financial impact of unexpected malfunctions or failures of essential machinery and equipment. The definition of...
Endorsement insurance, a critical aspect of insurance policy management, refers to the process of making changes or modifications to an existing insurance policy. The definition of endorsement insurance encompasses any...
An employee benefits program is a type of compensation an employer provides to its employees in addition to their regular salary or wages. These benefits may include healthcare coverage, retirement...
Excess insurance is a type of insurance policy covering additional financial limits beyond what the underlying policy provides. However, it only offers higher limits; it doesn’t expand the term of...
The entire contract clause, also known as an "entire agreement clause," is a type of clause found in many contracts and legal documents. It is a provision that states that...
An employee assistance program (EAP) provides confidential and professional assistance for personal and work-related issues that may affect employee well-being and productivity. The employer offers the program to provide counseling,...