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  2. Insurance Terms Starting With C

Claim history

What is Claim history?

Claim history is a term that may refer to a record of claims made against an insurance policy. It includes the details of any claims made, such as the date, the amount of the claim, the type of claim, and the outcome. It also includes details about any claims that have been denied or abandoned. This information is used by an insurer to evaluate the risk associated with a policyholder and assess the premiums they should pay.

Claim history in More Detail

Claim history can also refer to a record of claims made against a policyholder or company. This could include any legal action taken against the policyholder or company, such as lawsuits, regulatory proceedings, or arbitration. This information can be used to determine the risk associated with a policyholder or company and can affect their ability to obtain insurance in the future.

When evaluating an individual or company for insurance coverage, insurance companies typically look at the claim history to determine the risk associated with insuring them. This can help the insurer determine the premiums they should charge and also provide insight into how the company or individual may react to future claims.

Claim history is an important factor in assessing the risk associated with a policyholder or company, as it can provide valuable insight into their history of claims and how they respond to them. It can also help insurers to make informed decisions when assessing potential risks and determining the premiums they should charge.