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  2. Insurance Terms Starting With T

Tail Coverage

What is Tail Coverage?

Tail Coverage (also known as Extended Reporting Periods or E&O Tail Coverage) may refer to a type of insurance coverage that is designed to extend the reporting period of a professional liability policy beyond its expiration date. It is typically purchased when a policy is about to lapse or when a policyholder no longer needs the coverage.

Tail Coverage in More Detail

Tail Coverage is a type of insurance that provides coverage for claims that may arise from incidents that took place prior to the expiration of the original policy. This type of policy coverage is often sought by policyholders who have had a claim arise during the policy period, as the policy may not have enough time to process the claim before the policy expires. Tail Coverage helps to provide coverage and protection for any claims that may arise from incidents that occurred during the original policy period, even after the policy has expired.

Tail Coverage is an important type of insurance coverage, as it can provide protection and coverage for any claims that may arise from incidents that occurred during the original policy period, even after the policy has expired. This type of coverage helps to ensure that policyholders are protected from any potential claims that may arise from incidents that occurred during the original policy period. Tail Coverage can be a valuable asset for policyholders who are looking for additional coverage and protection beyond the expiration date of their original policy.