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Retention Insurance

What is Retention Insurance?

Retention insurance, in the realm of commercial insurance, refers to a risk management strategy where a business assumes a predetermined level of risk by self-insuring a portion of potential losses before the insurance coverage is triggered. It is a form of alternative risk financing that allows businesses to retain a specified amount of risk within their own resources.

Retention Insurance in More Detail

With retention insurance, the business agrees to pay for losses up to a certain threshold, known as the retention amount, before the insurance coverage becomes effective. This retention can be in the form of a deductible, self-insured retention (SIR), or a specific limit that the business is willing to bear.

Retention insurance enables businesses to have more control over their risk management and insurance costs. By assuming a portion of the risk, they can often negotiate lower insurance premiums and have the flexibility to manage smaller losses in-house.

Careful consideration is essential when determining the appropriate retention amount for a business. It should align with the business’s risk appetite, financial capabilities, and ability to effectively manage and absorb potential losses. Insurance professionals can provide guidance in evaluating the risk profile, analyzing potential losses, and structuring retention insurance programs that strike the right balance between self-insurance and traditional insurance coverage.

Retention insurance empowers businesses to take a proactive approach to risk management, tailor their coverage to their specific needs, and maintain financial control over a portion of their risk exposure. It serves as a valuable tool for businesses to optimize their insurance programs and protect their financial stability.