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  2. Insurance Terms Starting With R


What is Retrocession?

Retrocession, a specialized practice within the reinsurance industry, involves the transfer of risk from one reinsurer to another. The definition of retrocession encompasses the process where a reinsurer, seeking to minimize its exposure to potential losses, cedes a portion of the risks it has assumed from a primary insurer to another reinsurer. The meaning of retrocession may refer to the redistribution of risk and the creation of a more balanced and diversified portfolio for reinsurers.

Retrocession in More Detail

Retrocession plays a vital role in the insurance and reinsurance market by enhancing risk management, spreading potential losses among multiple parties, and improving the overall stability of the industry. This practice allows reinsurers to maintain their solvency and capacity to underwrite new risks by mitigating the impact of large or catastrophic losses.

One key distinction between retrocession and reinsurance is the relationship between the involved parties. While reinsurance deals with the transfer of risk between a primary insurer and a reinsurer, retrocession occurs exclusively among reinsurers. It is important to note that retrocession does not absolve the ceding reinsurer from its obligations to the primary insurer; rather, it serves as an additional layer of protection and risk management for the reinsurer.