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  2. Insurance Terms Starting With T

Third-Party Coverage

What is Third-Party Coverage?

Third-party coverage is a type of insurance policy that covers any damages caused by an insured party to a third party. This type of policy is often called liability insurance and may refer to private or commercial coverage.

Third-Party Coverage in More Detail

In private coverage, third-party coverage may refer to a policy that covers the insured if they unintentionally cause damage to another person’s property or person. This type of policy is most often acquired by individuals who regularly engage in activities that could result in unintentional injury or property damage, such as a homeowner.

In commercial coverage, third-party coverage may refer to a policy that covers the insured if they unintentionally cause damage to another business or person. This type of policy is common for companies such as contractors and manufacturers and may cover everything from employee injuries to customer complaints.

In either case, third-party coverage is designed to protect an insured party from paying out-of-pocket for damages caused to a third party. The policy typically covers the cost of any legal fees associated with the incident and any necessary medical bills, repair costs, or other related expenses.

Overall, third-party coverage is a type of insurance policy that covers any damages caused by an insured party to a third party. It is typically used in private and commercial settings and protects the insured party from paying out-of-pocket for any damages caused.