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Navigating Partnerships: Understanding the Founder vs. Co-Founder Dynamics in Startups


Key Takeaways

Carl Niedbala - Founder Shield
Carl Niedbala

Managing Partner; COO & Co-Founder

As a startup grows, it begins gathering many moving parts to ensure it’s equipped for long-term success. The founder is the very first member of the team, but as their vision takes shape, they might realize the company needs more than themselves to materialize their dreams. This is where co-founders and other executives come into the picture, building a more complex map of hierarchies, departments, and responsibilities. So, as you navigate the startup world, let’s address one of the most important yet opaque subjects: the role of a founder vs. co-founder.

Roles and Responsibilities

A startup founder establishes the business with their original idea, building the groundwork for it to take off and become profitable. They’re in charge of the basics, which also require the most elbow grease:

  • Defining the business idea
  • Coming up with a business model
  • Selecting the product or services of the startup
  • Growing the workforce by hiring key team members

But founders aren’t always solo. When more than one person establishes the company, each founder becomes a co-founder with shared responsibilities to grow the business.

However, not all co-founders join startups from their inception. When a founder lacks the technical skills to run the startup properly, they seek out a co-founder who can complement their abilities to form a well-rounded co-founding team. Their responsibilities and hierarchies may vary depending on their agreement when a co-founder jumps on board.

While founders usually become a company’s first CEO, their roles change as time passes. Many stay at the helm of operations even after an exit or remain as board members to make crucial decisions, while others prefer to act as executives or employees. Finally, founders might simply detach themselves from the company’s decisions as shareholders. But even when their roles change within the company, they will always be its founder or co-founders.

Founder and Co-Founder Real-World Examples

Let’s review some cases of co-founder dynamics that took startups from a small idea to household names.

Airbnb: The Design Duo and The Tech Wiz

Airbnb was born when three roommates set out to fix hotel scarcity in San Francisco ahead of a design conference in 2007. Co-founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia came from a design background, doubling as the company’s user experience and product design wizards. The third co-founder, wildcard Noah Blecharczyk, joined later on with his software developer and business strategist expertise, becoming the company’s chief technology officer.

The win-win formula involved the three co-founders truly bonding over an idea they believed in and counting on their broad set of skills, ranging from design to branding to business and technology. With their diverse knowledge, they built a compelling product that solved a real need and scaled it aggressively to make the popular lodging platform we know today.

Snapchat: Blending Areas of Expertise With Entrepreneurial Passion

The popular social media app Snapchat was founded by Stanford students Evan Spiegel, Reggie Brown, and Bobby Murphy in 2011. Only 13 years later, the company’s success was as massive as its scaling speed — and still is today.

The platform came to be when Spiegel and Brown had the idea of instant snaps that would disappear to avoid leaving a digital footprint. They both focused on design and marketing, bringing Murphy soon after to code the product. Spiegel’s well-connected circle and past work experience as a marketer helped the company quickly expand and gain popularity on the West Coast.

Although the team parted ways with Brown in its formative years, the combination of their three skills elevated the company with intuitive design, outstanding product quality, and engaging marketing.

Our Takeaways

These two stories and many other successful co-founding formulas are rooted in three pillars: mixed capabilities, clear role assignments and mutual respect.

While co-founders might have similar backgrounds, they know success hinges on diversifying their talents and bringing in more teammates when they identify a crucial cog in the wheel is missing. Founding teams must also know the part each member plays by drawing clear boundaries on what each one should deliver. This further drives respect among co-founders and allows them to stay laser-focused on company goals.


De-Risk the Fundraising Journey

Legal and Financial Considerations

When you know you struck gold with a brilliant idea, excitement and adrenaline take over as you reach out to your closest friends to start a business together. What many forget is that the moment you decide on co-founding a startup, you must also begin drafting legal documents that will become invaluable down the line.

Circling back to Snapchat’s case, co-founder Reggie Brown, who conceived the idea of disappearing photos, sued Snapchat’s founders in 2013 after they allegedly pushed him out and downplayed his contribution. A year later, the lawsuit was settled for $157.5 million, an amount that could’ve been saved had the founders prepared initial legal documentation.

Co-founders are a company’s first employees, and ideally, they should also fulfill contracts to set the terms of their involvement in the company. Here are a few unmissable aspects to include in the agreement:

  • Clear roles and responsibilities
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Equity allocation
  • Confidentiality clauses
  • Leave agreement

These basics should cover co-founders’ backs when the company grows and the stakes increase. What tasks should you tend to? How much profit do you get as the company expands? What do you own as an individual? What will happen when you or other co-founders decide to leave the company? Ironing out the details now saves everyone a headache later.

Insurance Needs for Founders and Co-Founders

Co-founders are like the starters of a good sourdough bread. But just like any key ingredient, things can go sideways. Co-founder insurance acts like an extra layer of security, protecting the company if one founder faces legal trouble or makes a bad call. Say one of them engages in legal allegations or harms the company in some way — you’ll want to be protected from any collateral damage.

If a co-founder is ever sued, directors and officers (D&O) coverage kicks in to alleviate legal fees or other costs from lawsuits. Because of the nature of such cases, it’s best to count on insurance’s safety net to avoid compromising a company’s entire revenue to cover legal costs.

A lesser talked about coverage is key person insurance. It’s important to plan for the most unexpected moments, including the loss of fundamental company members, such as a co-founder. Their role in the company can’t be underestimated, and their absence might leave a significant gap in operations and cause losses along the way. This insurance would provide a financial cushion, giving the company breathing room to recover and the remaining co-founders time to grieve.

The Crucial Role of Risk Management

Founding a startup is never without its ups and downs, and both going solo or deciding to build it alongside a team has pros and cons. So, it’s best to have a risk management plan in place to reduce friction in the future.

Being a solo founder isn’t easy — Y Combinator founder Paul Graham famously says it’s a big mistake. However, it means fewer conflicts when making decisions and running the business the way you see fit, without much external intervention. On the other hand, we have to understand Graham’s logic: more co-founders means a stronger support system, more knowledge to rely on, and better decision-making by considering all angles and opinions.

Co-founders need to be transparent, work together, and address problems fast. It’s a team effort, not a solo act. Honesty, teamwork, and quick conflict resolution are key here because you’re in this together. Creating a feedback loop and constantly communicating is a must and a process that should be established from the get-go.

Life can take many turns, and co-founder dynamics can suddenly shift and require more effort to preserve a healthy work environment. This is why insurance is a startup’s best partner when outlining safe cofounder dynamics. It reassures you, your co-founders, investors, and employees that the well-being of the business is your top priority despite internal disagreements.

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