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Bloggers Insurance

Blogging is a profession to some and a passion to others. At Founder Shield, we believe every creator deserves to be protected against the unforeseen challenges of the digital world.

Our business insurance is dedicated to securing your blogging journey. With the complexities of internet publishing, having the right insurance coverage becomes paramount. Don’t let unforeseen challenges come in the way of your passion for writing.

Founder Shield protects your business property, secures your income, and keeps your focus on crafting valuable content for your readers. Your blogging journey deserves the best shield; we’re here to provide it.

Blogging Industry Overview

In today’s digital age, the world is home to a staggering 1.9 billion websites. What’s even more fascinating is that over 600 million are dedicated blogs out of these.

This means that blogs account for nearly ⅓ of the total websites, highlighting bloggers’ growing influence and prevalence in the online space. WordPress is a dominant force, powering 45.8% of all websites globally.

These statistics demonstrate the evolving landscape of the blogging world and the countless opportunities that lie ahead. A single legal action, data breach, or an unexpected copyright infringement claim could lead to substantial financial loss for any blogger. 

This is where business insurance becomes a lifeline, especially insurance tailored for the blogging world. With Founder Shield as your trusted partner, ensure your blogging business is thriving and securely shielded from unforeseen challenges.

Why Is Insurance for
Bloggers Important?

Bloggers Insurance,  can leverage insurance to be protected against several risks, improve the efficiency of their business processes, and position themselves as credible within the industry.

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Content Liability

Bloggers can be held liable for the content that they publish on their blogs. This includes liability for defamation, copyright infringement, and privacy violations. Blogger insurance can help to protect bloggers from the financial consequences of lawsuits.

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Bloggers are increasingly being targeted by cyberattacks. These attacks can lead to data breaches, malware infections, and other disruptions to business operations. Insurance can help to cover the costs of recovering from a cyberattack and minimize the damage to the blogger’s reputation.

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Business interruption

Bloggers are also vulnerable to business interruption risks, such as natural disasters, power outages, and technical failures. Blogger insurance can help to cover the costs of lost revenue and other expenses incurred as a result of a business interruption.

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Professional Liability

Bloggers can be held liable for errors and omissions in their work. This includes liability for providing inaccurate or misleading information, or for failing to provide the services that they have promised. Insurance can help to protect bloggers from the financial consequences of professional liability lawsuits.

Blogger Insurance
Coverage & Policies

These coverages form the foundation of any risk management program for bloggers:

general liability
General Liability Insurance Learn More
General Liability Insurance

General Liability Insurance offers protection against claims of bodily injury, property damage, and other basic liabilities. For bloggers, this may be especially relevant if they host events, workshops, or meet-and-greets, where attendees could potentially get injured or where rented venues could sustain damages. Having this insurance ensures that bloggers aren’t personally or financially responsible for such incidents.

errors and omissions
Errors and Omissions Learn More
Errors and Omissions

Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance specifically caters to protection against claims arising from alleged mistakes, negligence, or inaccuracies in provided content. Bloggers, often considered information disseminators, may unintentionally share incorrect data or misrepresent facts. E&O insurance provides a safeguard against the financial repercussions of such inadvertent errors, ensuring peace of mind.

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Cyber Liability Learn More
Cyber Liability

In today’s digital age, Cyber Liability Insurance is vital. It protects against risks stemming from data breaches or cyberattacks. Bloggers, who primarily operate online and often collect subscriber or user data, are vulnerable to cyber threats. This insurance helps in mitigating potential financial losses and reputational damages that could arise from compromised data.

Blogger Specific
Insurance Coverage

These policies are essential for or can be tailored to the needs of companies operating in the content creation space:

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Content Creator Insurance Learn More
Content Creator Insurance

Content Creator Insurance is tailored for those producing and sharing content. It covers potential liabilities like copyright infringement, defamation, or invasion of privacy. Bloggers, being content producers, can benefit significantly from this coverage, ensuring that while they exercise their creative freedoms, they remain shielded from potential content-related legal disputes.


Crime Insurance offers protection against losses from criminal activities such as theft, fraud, or dishonest acts by employees. While bloggers might primarily operate digitally, they are not immune to traditional crimes like theft of equipment or even digital fraud. This policy ensures that they’re covered against such unforeseen criminal actions.

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Digital Asset Learn More
Digital Asset

Digital Asset Insurance focuses on protecting digital properties, be it content, digital media, or user databases. With bloggers’ most valuable assets often being digital – from articles and photos to videos – this insurance ensures that they’re financially covered in case of loss or damage to these assets due to reasons ranging from cyber incidents to technical malfunctions.


Crime Insurance covers losses due to criminal acts such as theft, fraud, and forgery. In the context of blockchain companies, where digital assets and cryptocurrencies are involved, the risk of both internal and external crimes is significant. This policy provides financial protection against such criminal activities, ensuring the security of the company’s assets and operations.

Blogger Insurance Costs

If you’re a professional blogger looking to secure your annual revenue through comprehensive insurance, business insurance for traditional businesses may not be the best fit for you.

Business insurance for bloggers is a unique blend of different types of policies combined to serve the best interests of a small business owner. General liability insurance, for instance, primarily deals with third-party property damage and possible advertising injuries.

Meanwhile, professional liability insurance policy or commercial property insurance focuses more on legal expenses, offering a robust legal defense in cases related to negligence claims or missed deadlines.

Other small businesses may get blogger insurance to address the unique challenges of online publishing. Considering the differences in blogging insurance coverage, it’s imperative to discuss your needs with your broker.

At Founder Shield, our licensed brokers guide you through each policy, ensuring you get the right coverage without burning a hole in your pocket. We specialize in offering you insurance solutions with suitable policy limits and monthly payments of your choice.

Blogger Insurance Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ)

The cost of insurance for bloggers will depend on several things, including the company’s size and development stage. Other factors include:

  • Exposures: risks being insured
  • Company practices: views on safety, compliance, and risk management
  • Program structure: the amount of deductible and willingness for a company to assume more risk
  • Claims history: the type and amount of past claims against the company

Blogger insurance isn’t universally mandated by law. However, given the potential liabilities bloggers can face, such as defamation or copyright issues, it’s a wise precaution to consider for protection.

The amount of blogger insurance you need depends on several factors, including the nature of your content, audience size, and potential risks associated with your niche. Consulting with an insurance agent can help determine adequate coverage.

To obtain blogger insurance, start by researching insurance providers who cater to digital professionals or media personalities. Then, get quotes, compare offerings, and consult with agents to find a suitable policy.

Business liability insurance protects businesses against financial losses resulting from claims of bodily injury, property damage, or personal/advertising injuries caused by the business’s operations, products, or on its premises.


Yes, most insurance providers allow customization of blogger insurance policies to cater to specific needs. This ensures you get coverage tailored to the unique risks and nuances of your blogging activities.

Blogger Insurance Quotes

Finding social media policies doesn’t have to be painful. We aim to make the purchasing experience as streamlined and intuitive as possible.

Get a quote

Use our custom-built digital platform to get quotes fast. We automate clerical tasks that plague traditional brokerages, giving us more time to be responsive and alert to your company’s needs.

Pair with a specialist

No two organizations are the same. Our team of coverage experts partners with your team to engineer your risk management strategy, together. We take the time to understand the intricacies of your company to get you the best possible coverage.

Stay one step ahead

To do better, you need to know better. With changing political, technological, legal, and economic landscapes, staying ahead of the curve is critical.

Our in-house team is tapped into the latest developments in your industry, proactively ensuring you’re covered.

Jonathan Selby - Founder Shield
Jonathan Selby, Tech & Media Lead and General Manager

Your Blogger Insurance Specialist

Jonathan spent the first five years of his professional insurance career working as a generalist broker at a traditional firm on Long Island. Intrigued by how to leverage technology in the industry, he joined the Founder Shield team in 2016 and quickly grew into his current leadership role of General Manager. Jonathan works to oversee client strategy and communication, and has fostered a culture of providing unparalleled service and risk consulting for some of the fastest growing companies in the world. Outside of work, he can be found on the basketball court and chess board — but not at the same time.

Why Choose Founder Shield?

Founder Shield is a leading insurance provider that specializes in offering comprehensive coverage for Media companies, offering numerous benefits and advantages over traditional brokers. Here’s a breakdown of some of the key features and benefits that you’ll enjoy with us:


Benefits of Choosing Founder Shield:
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Industry Expertise

Founder Shield is focused on protecting rapidly evolving Media startups. We ensure that our products are tailored to meet the unique needs of social media corporations.

Customized Solutions

Founder Shield offers bespoke policies that are designed specifically for each client’s needs, ensuring comprehensive coverage that addresses the unique risks associated with social media operations.

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Fast Quotes

With Founder Shield’s streamlined quoting process, you can receive a personalized quote for your social media insurance quickly, allowing you to make informed decisions fast.

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Ease of Use

Founder Shield’s user-friendly digital platform makes it easy to manage your policy, submit claims, and access important documents whenever you need them.

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Dedicated Support

Founder Shield provides exceptional customer service, with dedicated account managers who are always available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about your insurance policy.

Scalable Coverage

As your Media business grows, Founder Shield’s policies can grow with you, ensuring you always have the right level of coverage for your changing needs.

Founder Shield is a preferred choice for social media businesses because of our specialization in the industry. We offer flexible and customized insurance policies, a speedy quoting process, and exceptional customer service with dedicated account managers.