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Insurance for TikTok Creators

Content creators are hot on the market for entertainment companies on mainstream and up-and-coming platforms. TikTok is one of the biggest social platforms gaining traction through amateur and professional content creators, who may come under fire on the social or legal level. 

Industry Overview

The biggest Chinese-built app on the international market, TikTok has come a long way since its local release in September of 2016. In less than a decade, the platform has spanned over multiple continents, content genres, and content forms. 

Currently, TikTok is the go-to app for youngsters in the 18 to 35 age bracket for short-form content and live-streaming all in one place. With a total of 1.5 billion users, TikTok has consistently seen a rise in new accounts over the years, especially after its release into the Western market. However, its largest number of users is still within the Asia-Pacific. 

Nowadays, most trends on other social media platforms stem from new TikTok trends, making it relevant for a larger audience. It’s also notably the pioneer of short-form content, which has since been adopted by other mega-platforms such as Instagram (Reels) and YouTube (Shorts). 

Although TikTok has faced its fair share of criticism and bans, it hasn’t seen a decrease in its success. It continues to attract new content creators and collected an annual revenue of $9.4 billion in 2022 alone. So, TikTok content creators require a well-equipped insurance policy to protect their hard work to remain successful and keep their fans engaged.

Why Is Insurance for
TikTok Creators Important?

TikTok Creators can leverage insurance to be protected against several risks, improve the efficiency of their business processes, and position themselves as credible within the industry.

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Copyright Infringement

It’s considered infringement if you use copyrighted material in your videos without permission, such as music, sound effects, or excerpts from other works. If you are sued for copyright infringement, you could be liable for damages, including the copyright holder’s attorneys’ fees.

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TikTok creators risk saying something false and harmful about someone in their videos. Defamation can damage someone’s reputation and lead to financial losses. If you are sued for defamation, you could be liable for damages, including the plaintiff’s attorneys’ fees.

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Privacy Invasion

This is the risk of disclosing someone’s private information in your videos without their permission. Privacy invasion can cause emotional distress and lead to financial losses. If you are sued for privacy invasion, you could be liable for damages, including the plaintiff’s attorneys’ fees.

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Errors and Omissions

If you make a mistake in your videos that causes someone financial harm, they might hold you responsible. For example, you might give incorrect financial advice or make a factual error that damages someone’s reputation. If you are sued for errors and omissions, you could be liable for damages, including the plaintiff’s attorneys’ fees.

TikTok Creator Insurance
Coverage & Policies

These coverages form the foundation of any risk management program for TikTok creators:

general liability
General Liability Learn More
General Liability

General Liability Insurance provides protection against third-party claims resulting from bodily injury, property damage, and personal and advertising injuries. For TikTok creators, this is important because while most of their content creation happens online, there are real-world implications. For example, if they film in a rented location and someone gets injured or property gets damaged during the process, general liability can cover potential legal fees or compensation costs. Additionally, if a creator uses music or content that they believe to be royalty-free, but it turns out not to be, they could face claims of copyright infringement; general liability can help cover those advertising injury claims.

errors and omissions
Errors and Omissions Learn More
Errors and Omissions

Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance offers coverage against claims of negligence, unintentional mistakes, or misrepresentations. TikTok creators often share information, reviews, tutorials, or endorsements. If a viewer or third party believes that a creator provided misleading or inaccurate content that caused them harm or financial loss, they might file a lawsuit. E&O insurance helps to cover legal expenses and potential settlements related to such content disputes.

TikTok Creator Specific
Insurance Coverage

These policies are essential for or can be tailored to the needs of operations in the TikTok space: 

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Content Creator Insurance Learn More
Content Creator Insurance

Content Creator Insurance is crafted to serve the unique needs of individuals producing and distributing content. TikTok creators, as they curate content ranging from entertainment to education, might inadvertently breach copyrights, face content-related legal disputes, or get accused of defamation. This specialized insurance ensures that they have a protective financial net to fall back on, allowing them to focus on their creativity without being unduly worried about potential legal challenges.

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Property Learn More

Property Insurance is designed to cover damages to or loss of physical assets. TikTok creators often use a variety of equipment, from high-quality cameras to lighting systems and props. These can be costly to replace if damaged, stolen, or lost. Property insurance ensures that such unforeseen incidents don’t result in significant financial setbacks, enabling creators to swiftly get back to producing content.

TikTok Creator Insurance Costs

With any insurance, the cost depends more on aspects of your work than the insurance company. Many brokers offer competitive prices but compromise the quality of coverage to get you a better deal. We curate a custom-built insurance premium to suit your needs and stay within your budget. 

With TikTok, there are numerous issues a content creator can face. Losing access to their accounts, being sued for defamatory content or misinformation, receiving backlash for promoting a harmful product, and much more. Insurance saves creators from losing their earnings due to legal battles, platform problems, and competitors.

TikTok insurance can cost anywhere between hundreds to thousands of dollars annually. The total cost of your insurance depends on the number of policies you buy and the level of coverage you opt for. Buying lower coverage may save you some dollars, but it leaves your hard work vulnerable to unprecedented risks.

If you’re low on funds, you should try to acquire the basic umbrella policies that protect the maximum aspects of your TikTok career. However, it would be best if you aimed to upgrade it later on. The extra amount you pay for comprehensive policies may save thousands of your dollars in future crises, accidents, or lawsuits. It’s better to invest beforehand and remain stress-free at the time of difficulty.

TikTok Creator Insurance Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ)

The cost of insurance for TikTok creators will depend on several things, including the operation’s size and development stage. Other factors include:

  • Exposures: risks being insured
  • Company practices: views on safety, compliance, and risk management
  • Program structure: the amount of deductible and willingness for a company to assume more risk
  • Claims history: the type and amount of past claims against the company

While TikTok creator insurance is not a legal requirement, it is strongly advised for those serious about their content creation career. As the platform’s influence grows, so do the potential risks associated with content disputes, copyright issues, and real-world filming events.

The amount of insurance a TikTok creator needs is contingent upon several factors: the nature of their content, the value of their filming equipment, potential venues or events they might participate in, and the scale of their following. Ideally, insurance should cover potential legal fees, equipment replacement, and other unforeseen liabilities.

To obtain TikTok creator insurance, initiate your search with insurance providers that cater to digital content creators or media professionals. Once you’ve identified potential insurers, gather quotes, evaluate coverage options, and consult directly with representatives to ensure the policy suits your specific needs.

Business liability insurance protects entities from claims arising due to injuries, damages, or negligence during business operations. This encompasses protection from physical injuries, property damages, and some forms of personal and advertising injuries, offering a financial buffer against unpredictable business-related incidents.


Yes, insurance policies, including those for TikTok creators, can often be customized. Insurance providers usually offer flexibility in adjusting coverage types, limits, and endorsements. This ensures that the policy aligns closely with a creator’s individual risks and operational requirements.

TikTok Creator Insurance Quotes

Finding TikTok Creator policies doesn’t have to be painful. We aim to make the purchasing experience as streamlined and intuitive as possible.

Get a quote

Use our custom-built digital platform to get quotes fast. We automate clerical tasks that plague traditional brokerages, giving us more time to be responsive and alert to your company’s needs.

Pair with a specialist

No two organizations are the same. Our team of coverage experts partners with your team to engineer your risk management strategy, together. We take the time to understand the intricacies of your company to get you the best possible coverage.

Stay one step ahead

To do better, you need to know better. With changing political, technological, legal, and economic landscapes, staying ahead of the curve is critical.

Our in-house team is tapped into the latest developments in your industry, proactively ensuring you’re covered.

Jonathan Selby General Manager
Jonathan Selby, Tech & Media Lead and General Manager

Your TikTok Creator Insurance Specialist

Jonathan spent the first five years of his professional insurance career working as a generalist broker at a traditional firm on Long Island. Intrigued by how to leverage technology in the industry, he joined the Founder Shield team in 2016 and quickly grew into his current leadership role of General Manager. Jonathan works to oversee client strategy and communication, and has fostered a culture of providing unparalleled service and risk consulting for some of the fastest growing companies in the world. Outside of work, he can be found on the basketball court and chess board — but not at the same time.

Why Choose Founder Shield?

Founder Shield is a leading insurance provider that specializes in offering comprehensive coverage for TikTok creators, offering numerous benefits and advantages over traditional brokers. Here’s a breakdown of some of the key features and benefits that you’ll enjoy with us:

Benefits of Choosing Founder Shield
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Industry Expertise

Founder Shield is focused on protecting rapidly evolving TikTok operations. We ensure that our products are tailored to meet the unique needs of TikTok creators.

Customized Solutions

Founder Shield offers bespoke policies that are designed specifically for each client’s needs, ensuring comprehensive coverage that addresses the unique risks associated with TikTok creators.

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Fast Quotes

With Founder Shield’s streamlined quoting process, you can receive a personalized quote for your TikTok creator insurance quickly, allowing you to make informed decisions fast.

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Ease of Use

Founder Shield’s user-friendly digital platform makes it easy to manage your policy, submit claims, and access important documents whenever you need them.

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Dedicated Support

Founder Shield provides exceptional customer service, with dedicated account managers who are always available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about your insurance policy.

Scalable Coverage

As your TikTok operation grows, Founder Shield’s policies can grow with you, ensuring you always have the right level of coverage for your changing needs.

Founder Shield is a preferred choice for TikTok creators because of our specialization in the Media industry. We offer flexible and customized insurance policies, a speedy quoting process, and exceptional customer service with dedicated account managers.