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How to save money on your group health insurance
Have you ever wondered how you can save money on your group health insurance plan? Ever wanted to find a way around paying those high premiums and save your company money? Well, Igloo Health is here to guide you through the process of medical underwriting in the current marketplace.
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What is a BOR?
What is a BOR? It’s your “Broker Of Record.” This is an insurance industry term that many people don’t know about, but it could be the most important thing to learn as a business owner. Understanding what a BOR does (and what they can’t do) can give you peace of mind. Have you ever been promised
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Choosing Health Plans: How Lower Premiums Might Mean Higher Costs
What if we told you that the price you pay for your monthly premiums wasn’t the most important thing to pay attention to when choosing health plans? That might sound a little crazy but the reality is that there are critical factors to look into besides premium. Ever wonder why you were stuck with a
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What We Do That Your Health and Benefits Broker Probably Doesn’t
A lot of people will tell you how happy they are with their current health and benefits broker and rave about how fantastic of a job they’re doing. Still the question remains: “is he really doing the best job he possibly can?” These same people will claim how their broker is the nicest guy in
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Employee Health Insurance Renewals: What Business Owners Need to Know
Most business owners don’t take the time to factor in the fluctuating costs of health insurance renewals. Luckily, we’re here to think ahead for you. In the past, renewal pricing has been pretty standard across all states and carriers, with an average bump of about 5% or so. Unfortunately since Obamacare, that’s not the case. As
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Can I change employee health insurance mid-term?
Is it possible to change employee health insurance mid-term? It’s one of the most common questions I hear. Most people assume that once you sign a healthcare contract, you’re locked into that plan for the next 12 months. Well, I’ve come bearing good news: that’s not necessarily true. Actually, switching healthcare plans during the term year
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A Quick Guide to Choosing the Right Company Health Insurance Plan
So as you may have found out the hard way, choosing a company health insurance plan can be rough. There are thousands of options to choose from. Getting quotes back can be overwhelming. And if you aren’t sure what you’re looking at, or even what you’re looking for, it’s even worse. So let’s break it down
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The Top 3 Ways to Get Employee Health Insurance
How do I to get employee health insurance for my company? It’s not the easiest question to answer, and in this day in age it is getting more and more difficult to get cost effective health benefits for your company. It’s even harder if you are in the small group category. Whether it’s company size,
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