Just released: How to raise venture capital in 2023


Cyber Liability

Excess Insurance, Umbrella Policies and Why Your Business Needs Them

February 9 • Cyber LiabilityDirectors & OfficersErrors & OmissionsGeneral Liability

business insurance requirements from landlords clients investors post
January 19 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & OmissionsGeneral LiabilityPropertyRisk Management

The Top 5 Business Insurance Requirements from Landlords, Clients, and Investors

Dealing with Business Insurance Requirements from Landlords, Clients, and Investors We see all kinds of business insurance requirements (and coverage change requests) from our clients’ landlords, clients, investors, business partners, and more. These requests are processed by creating an “endorsement” on the policy that puts the change into effect. From a location change to adding a

Business Insurance Package Policies & How They Benefit Startups
December 21 • Cyber LiabilityDirectors & OfficersEPLIErrors & OmissionsGeneral LiabilityPropertyRisk Management

Business Insurance Package Policies & How They Benefit Startups

Choosing commercial insurance can be daunting.  You want your company to be properly protected, but you don’t want to break the bank. Luckily, that’s why business insurance package policies exist! Insurance carriers frequently bundle various coverage types together, providing a cost-effective approach compared to acquiring them individually. This strategy not only keeps expenses in check

fshield insurance for bitcoin companies article x
November 21 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & OmissionsGeneral Liability

Insurance for Bitcoin Companies

The Space Bitcoin use has been exploding lately, with recent (September 2013) numbers suggesting that over 66,000 bitcoin transactions occur each day!  More and more e-commerce platforms and vendors accept Bitcoin as payment each day to the point where the market cap is currently $1.6B and only expected to grow. Needless to say, the bitcoin

social engineering insurance post
October 13 • Cyber Liability

Why High-Growth Businesses Need Social Engineering Insurance

Social engineering insurance – a primer When we mention “cyber insurance” to most clients, they tend to immediately picture situations like the target or yahoo data breaches.  They picture some mystery mastermind on the dark web scheming up an elaborate plan to crack firewalls and compromise networks. While that clearly happens more than we’d all like, it’s not the only threat

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August 2 • Cyber Liability

Pokemon Go, Harry Potter, & Augmented Reality Insurance Risks

  Are you one of the 30 million worldwide users who has downloaded Pokemon Go in the last few weeks? It’s likely, since the app has been downloaded more times in its short existence than Tinder has over the past four years. Regardless of whether you run around chasing Pokemon in your day-to-day, chances are

insurance for on demand companies
June 25 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & OmissionsGeneral LiabilityRisk Management

Getting Business Insurance for On-Demand Startups

Update: We’ve released a new whitepaper examining the Sharing Economy industry. We dive into the insurance landscape, legal climate and how to approach risk management for companies in this sector. You can download the report here!   The on-demand economy is ever-growing and we work with new startups in the space on a daily basis.

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May 29 • Cyber LiabilityGuest Post

Mary Meeker of KPCB Sounds the Cyber Security Alarm

With the release of her annual report this week, veteran internet analyst and Kleiner Perkins partner Mary Meeker sounded the alarm on the state of cyber security. Meeker’s reports are essentially the bible to investors and entrepreneurs in the space.  The report contains valuable data on everything from mobile to emerging markets, but the slides on cyber security

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April 9 • Cyber Liability

The 2013 Target Data Breach: Insurance Coverage Recap

Retail Giant Target was hit with a massive data breach incident during the holiday season of 2013.  We posted a few articles outlining the severity of the breach and speculating on how cyber insurance may be their lifeline.  Here’s a quick follow up on the claims the company has seen since the incident. VentureBeat recently reported that

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February 11 • Cyber Liability

4 Ways Cyber Insurance May Be Anthem’s Data Breach Lifeline

  For anyone that hasn’t heard, Anthem, one of the nation’s largest health insurance providers, suffered a data breach in which an estimated 80 Million customer and employee records containing personally identifiable information were compromised.

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January 23 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & OmissionsGeneral Liability

Startup Risk Tips: Additional Insured Insurance Certificates

Startup Risk Tips is a series of posts where we explain the finer details of insurance requirements or terms Startups will face along the road.  We hope these posts will help you feel more comfortable and confident as new relationships are formed with customers, suppliers, vendors, investors, and insurance companies alike.    Q: We’re required to send an

Insurance for Ecommerce Companies
January 14 • Cyber LiabilityDirectors & OfficersErrors & OmissionsGeneral Liability

Insurance for Ecommerce Companies

Consumer Ecommerce is booming. With the vast array of web developers, payment processors and digital currencies, it has never been easier to get an online business off the ground. The US market alone is estimated at $409 billion for 2017. By 2022, it’s expected to make up to as much 17% of all retail sales nationwide. Risks

January 6 • Cyber Liability

Inside Job: The 2014 Morgan Stanley Data Breach

While most of us are coming back rested and refreshed for the new year, Morgan Stanley can’t quite say the same as the bank’s 2014 ended with a massive data breach. Just two days after Christmas, information security employees at the bank discovered the data breach.  The bank was conducting a standard sweep of known criminal websites

December 31 • Cyber LiabilityRisk Management

Year in Review: 2014 Cyber Attacks (What Startups Should Know)

2014 Cyber Attacks Reviewed For the last four years, cyber risk management firm Net Diligence has done a report on cyber insurance claims for the year…and 2014 has been a hell of a year for cyber attacks.  This year’s report has been published and has some very interesting findings pertaining to the startup community.  

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December 5 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & OmissionsGeneral LiabilityRisk Management

3 Risks an On-Demand Services Company Needs to Consider

Update: We’ve released a new whitepaper examining the Sharing Economy industry. We dive into the insurance landscape, legal climate and how to approach risk management for companies in this sector. You can download the report here! Food for thought: on-demand services company risk profile The on-demand services company (think Uber, Makespace, Fly Cleaners…) is taking over the

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November 10 • Cyber Liability

Updated 2014 Data Breach Notification Costs by State

Data Breach Notification Costs Cyber liability costs are soaring these days for all kinds of businesses (startups included).  Most people think of these “costs” as those related directly to the data breach: legal defense fees, settlements with users and 3rd party vendors, and forensic costs. Loss attributed to data breach notification costs can go under the radar.

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September 25 • Cyber LiabilityDirectors & OfficersEPLIErrors & OmissionsGeneral LiabilityWorker's Compensation

The “Dos” &”Don’ts” of Buying Startup Company Insurance

Buying startup company insurance can be a daunting task.  The insurance market is fragmented and there is no shortage of products out there.  The industry is not exactly tech savvy either, and many brokers still employ tools as archaic as fax machines in their practices.  Just finding where to start can be a hassle! Discover

September 5 • Cyber LiabilityDirectors & OfficersErrors & OmissionsGeneral Liability

Insurance for Internet of Things Companies

Insurance for Internet of Things Companies — what you need to know The Internet of Things space is exploding right now and shows no signs of slowing down.  In fact, some sources estimate that there will be 200 billion connected devices on the planet by 2020.  The current global market size is estimated at $4.9

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August 20 • Cyber Liability

How a Data Breach can Destroy Your Startup [Infographic]

  Our friends over at egress sent us this really great infographic that shows the current state of cybersecurity and data breach issues surrounding costs, incidence rates, and those most effected.  The numbers are based on data collect by the UK-based Department for Business Innovation & Skills, but in an ever-growing global economy, they certainly

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June 19 • Cyber LiabilityGuest Post

Cyber 101: Data breach Notification Laws and Costs

**This is a guest post by Scott Smedresman of Sorin Rand.**

June 6 • Cyber Liability

Startup CEOs & Cyber Security: Track your Tech!

Why startup CEOs should care about cyber security The data breach that Target suffered around Thanksgiving last year has finally worked its way up to the top of the organizational totem pole.  A couple of weeks ago, Target’s CEO Gregg Steinhafel lost his job a result of the cyber security shortcomings that cost the company a ton

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May 8 • Cyber Liability

Data’s a Risky Business: 2014 Data Breach Costs are Soaring

  Every year (or at least the last 9 years), an independent research organization called the Ponemon Institute does a study on the state of data security and 2014 data breach costs.  It’s purpose is to determine the predominant causes of and costs related to data breaches.  The Institute takes into account many factors beyond legal-related costs when

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