Just released: How to raise venture capital in 2023


Errors & Omissions

What Are Risk Retention Groups & What’s Their Role?

Risk retention groups provide affordable and customized solutions for groups facing similar liabilities. Will it work for you? November 10 • Errors & OmissionsRisk Management

MSP insurance
August 30 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & OmissionsRisk Management

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) Insurance Guide

With the environment rapidly changing for a small or mid-market business, what risks do MSPs face now? Here’s a practical guide to MSP insurance.

July 26 • Directors & OfficersEPLIErrors & OmissionsFiduciary LiabilityGeneral LiabilityReps and Warranties Insurance

Post-Acquisition Insurance & M&A Risk Management Guide

Late-stage companies sometimes overlook post-acquisition challenges, but they still pose a problem. Here’s how to navigate these tricky situations.

May 20 • Errors & Omissions

Professional Liability Trends to Watch in 2021

Like many lines, professional liability insurance is undergoing pandemic-induced changes. Here’s what we know and what mid-market and small businesses can expect in the future.

March 2 • Errors & Omissions

Understanding Factors Impacting E&O Costs

Errors and omissions insurance has unique characteristics to protect your company — but what factors drive the cost of E&O coverage?

claims-made vs occurrence
February 12 • Directors & OfficersErrors & OmissionsRisk Management

Claims-made vs. Occurrence Insurance Policies Explained

Choosing a claims-made vs. occurrence insurance policy for your startup or mid-sized company means knowing the pros and cons. We’ve got the details for you!

private equity insurance
January 8 • Directors & OfficersEPLIErrors & Omissions

Insurance for Private Equity & VC Firms

Investors face unique exposures in today’s world. Here’s what insurance firms need in private equity and venture capital sectors.

medical office insurance
October 29 • Cyber LiabilityEPLIErrors & Omissions

Medical Office Insurance Guide

Medical office insurance covers some of the most vulnerable parts of a medical practice. Here’s a practical guide to help you safeguard your business.

escooter sharing regulations and insurance
October 1 • Errors & OmissionsGeneral LiabilityHNOA

Navigating US E-Scooter Sharing Regulations & Insurance

E-scooter sharing companies face complex and strict regulations. The right insurance can give you a competitive advantage.

lawyers' professional liability
September 24 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & Omissions

Lawyers’ Professional Liability: A Guide for Law Firms

Lawyers’ professional liability insurance covers some of the most vulnerable parts of the legal profession. Here’s a practical guide for law firms.

insurance for esports gaming arena and competiton feat
August 28 • Directors & OfficersErrors & Omissions

Insurance for ESports: Leagues, Teams & Tech

The hardest part of navigating insurance for e-sports is to know how it applies. We break it down.

tech errors & omissions insurance
July 30 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & Omissions

Technology Errors & Omissions Insurance: What You Need to Know

Technology Errors & Omissions Insurance (Tech E&O) is the one thing that all tech companies need. Find out why.

SaaS Risk Blog Featured
September 27 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & Omissions

Risk Management Guide for SaaS Companies

Featured on the OpenView Partners blog. Carl breaks down risk management for SaaS-based companies.

cyber security
May 31 • ClaimsErrors & Omissions

Top 5 Tech E&O and Cyber Claims

What do Tech E&O and Cyber Insurance cover? We dive in to 5 major claims scenarios that every tech company needs to know about.

pen checklist iStock Large x
December 18 • Errors & OmissionsRisk Management

Errors and Omissions Risks Checklist for Startups

We track down Tech Errors and Omissions policies for the majority of the companies we work with.  It’s extremely important coverage for anyone leveraging technology or social media, which most startups constantly do.   Even using things as simple as AWS or Facebook login can expose your company to a lawsuit,  and in a fast-paced,

tom cruise impossible cyber liability insurance
October 27 • Cyber LiabilityDirectors & OfficersEPLIErrors & OmissionsRisk Management

Startup Risk Tips: Optimizing your Insurance Policies

  Insurance should be seen as more of an investment than a cost, but given the busy and chaotic lives of Founders, it sometimes becomes a check-the-box activity.  When utilized properly, companies can get value from their policies well beyond that generated by a “set it and forget it” approach.  Here are a few tips to optimize your insurance

September 13 • Directors & OfficersErrors & OmissionsGeneral Liability

Pivoting? You should probably call your insurance broker

It’s been a tough year for retail. Just ask J.C. Penny, Macy’s or Target. As e-commerce continues to overtake retail (thanks Amazon), traditional retailers need to employ different strategies to satisfy customers. In other words, it’s time to start pivoting. Startups are all too familiar with pivoting, and many startups do so at least once. Sounds

professional liability insurance by industry post
February 28 • Errors & Omissions

Professional Liability Insurance: What You Need to Know (by Industry!)

So you’ve probably heard of professional liability insurance (aka errors and omissions Insurance). In brief, professional liability insurance protects the professional services industry from negligence claims that result in the financial loss of a third party (typically your clients) arising from an act, error, or omission committed in the course of the policyholder’s performance of services

business insurance requirements from landlords clients investors post
January 19 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & OmissionsGeneral LiabilityPropertyRisk Management

The Top 5 Business Insurance Requirements from Landlords, Clients, and Investors

Dealing with Business Insurance Requirements from Landlords, Clients, and Investors We see all kinds of business insurance requirements (and coverage change requests) from our clients’ landlords, clients, investors, business partners, and more. These requests are processed by creating an “endorsement” on the policy that puts the change into effect. From a location change to adding a

Business Insurance Package Policies & How They Benefit Startups
December 21 • Cyber LiabilityDirectors & OfficersEPLIErrors & OmissionsGeneral LiabilityPropertyRisk Management

Business Insurance Package Policies & How They Benefit Startups

Choosing commercial insurance can be daunting.  You want your company to be properly protected, but you don’t want to break the bank. Luckily, that’s why business insurance package policies exist! Insurance carriers frequently bundle various coverage types together, providing a cost-effective approach compared to acquiring them individually. This strategy not only keeps expenses in check

fshield insurance for bitcoin companies article x
November 21 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & OmissionsGeneral Liability

Insurance for Bitcoin Companies

The Space Bitcoin use has been exploding lately, with recent (September 2013) numbers suggesting that over 66,000 bitcoin transactions occur each day!  More and more e-commerce platforms and vendors accept Bitcoin as payment each day to the point where the market cap is currently $1.6B and only expected to grow. Needless to say, the bitcoin

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