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Office-Sharing Can Save Startups. Here’s How.


Key Takeaways

  • Sharing office space can save startups money and cut overhead costs.
  • Office-sharing provides a flexible solution for businesses of any size.
  • Collaboration with other companies can boost creativity and provide new perspectives.
  • Office-sharing is a viable solution for startups looking to create a robust business culture.
Carl Niedbala - Founder Shield
Carl Niedbala

Managing Partner; COO & Co-Founder


By now we are all acclimated to the sharing economy model. We share our cars, our homes and our dog sitters. Sharing your office may not be the first thing that comes to mind as the next sharing economy service, but it should be, especially if you’re a startup. It might even save your business.

“As an entrepreneur with a small but growing Internet of Things company, I’ve got 99 problems.” – Duer, Weather Cloud

Startups can run out of money. From R&D on your newest service to hiring talent to raising funds, an entrepreneur’s work is never done. The biggest challenge is the decision on how to spend the precious capital you worked so hard to earn. Office space is the second highest cost for a business after head count. By sharing your space, you can cut overhead not only in rent, but also in other business amenities such as utilities, wireless internet, and printers. Your employees will appreciate the services and your investors will appreciate your frugality.

“It is impossible to find space for 5 to 10 people.” –Kelsey, VenueBook

Size matters. You want to have an office in a tech-centric location in NYC, San Francisco, Boulder or Seattle but you only employ 5 people. You’re too large for your coffee shop but too small for a traditional 10,000 sq ft., 5-year lease. Office- sharing can literally open new doors for you. Whether you take space from another business in a sought-after area or you lease a larger space and share the unused portion with someone else, office-sharing is a flexible solution for any size of business.

“We’ve built working relationships with a lot of these people; we enjoy this syndicate of start-ups and small businesses that share the space with us.” – David, Wantful

Entrepreneurs can live in a vacuum and can become wrapped up in their vision. The good news is there’s a way around that: collaboration breeds innovation. Around the proverbial water cooler, people are genuinely interested to brainstorm ideas and solutions outside the confines of their own expertise. Sharing your office space with another company can boost your creativity and give you a different perspective on your own business.

Office-sharing is a viable solution for startups who are looking to smartly spend their capital while trying to create a robust business culture. Currently there are hundreds of companies looking to do just that just a click away.


**this is a guest post by Carly Chase of Pivot Desk**

About the Author:
Carly is helping NYC entrepreneurs and small businesses stay focused on growing their business instead of struggling to find the place to do it. She is overseeing the development and management of the NYC market.
PivotDesk is an online marketplace for office sharing. We’ve helped hundreds of businesses find the space they need with the flexibility of month-to-month contracts. The easy to use platform – online in 29 cities – includes powerful search features, beautiful postings, centralized communications, and financial management tools.

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