Just released: How to raise venture capital in 2023



March 22 • Cyber Liability

How “Dark Patterns” Impact Data Protection

Dark patterns are everywhere, from confusing ecommerce checkouts to unsubscribe links — and they impact data protection. Let’s talk about it.

December 16 • Cyber Liability

How Insurance Can Limit the Impact of Cloud Outages & Downtime

Cloud outages can cause devastating downtime, resulting in business interruption and loss — but we have a solution for this issue.

low angle shot wall street sign nyc
September 14 • Risk Management

Tech Companies: What to Expect Going Public Post-Pandemic

After a nerve wracking pandemic year, many tech companies anticipate going public. Here’s what to expect from IPOs in the future.

August 31 • Cyber Liability

Cyber Liability Insurance Guide

Cyber liability insurance can seem confusing — but it doesn’t have to be. Here are several crucial cyber coverage guidelines for startups and technology companies.

December 1 • Risk Management

6 Big Tech Company’s Mistakes We Won’t Forget Soon

Errors, faux pas, mishaps; it’s only natural to expect them in our everyday lives. In the business world, however, these incidences make a much larger splash. The ripple effect is often devastating — and unforgettable. This post examines six mistakes that famous tech companies made and the lessons we can learn from their blunders. 1.

November 24 • Risk Management

When Does Captive Insurance Make Sense?

Captive insurance is popular with technology, rideshare, and on-demand companies. Here’s how it works best.

October 7 • Directors & Officers

3 Key Takeaways from the Recent Frenzy of Tech IPOs

Several tech companies have gone public simultaneously. After reviewing each, here are some lessons we can learn from the IPO rush.

September 30 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & Omissions

E&O Insurance Guide for Canadian Tech Companies

Canadian tech companies face unique exposures — but tech E&O insurance helps to mitigate risks. Here’s what you should know.

September 23 • ClaimsErrors & Omissions

Top 5 E&O and Cyber Claims for Canadian Tech Companies

Canadian tech companies face a slew of challenges — but five primary E&O and Cyber claims stick out. Here’s a look at these themes.

edtech companies
June 9 • Risk Management

Insurance & Risk Management for Edtech Companies

As the world changes, the way we educate must evolve, too. Here’s how edtech companies spearhead this shift and the risks they face.

April 8 • Cyber Liability

Cyber Liability and PCI DSS Compliance [Why it Matters]

PCI DSS compliance and cyber liability can seem confusing, but we break it down for you so you can keep your business booming.

cleantech insurance
April 1 • Risk Management

Insurance for Cleantech Companies

It’s a delicate balance, deriving energy from natural resources while sustaining a thriving ecosystem. But cleantech companies are up for the challenge. While these businesses are watching over the environment, though, who is protecting them? In this post, we highlight some of the risks these companies face and how the right insurance policy can support

cyber insurance trends Founder Shield
February 6 • Cyber Liability

Cyber Insurance Trends 2020

As cybersecurity continues to be a top priority for most companies, here are cyber insurance trends you need to know for 2020.

CaliforniaAB ruling
September 25 • EPLIWorker's Compensation

What does the California AB5 (gig economy) ruling mean for insurance?

California signed the AB5 (Gig Economy) ruling into law. This will have ramifications for the entire US insurance market, not just for CA.

September 17 • Directors & OfficersFiduciary Liability

ESOPs: Do They Impact D&O Insurance?

Plenty of risks are associated with ESOPs. But, how do they impact your current D&O, E&O, or general liability insurance policy. Here’s the scoop.

commercial insurance endorsements
September 10 • Risk Management

The Complete Guide to Commercial Insurance Endorsements

Learn how commercial insurance endorsements provide customized coverage for you. Understand how the insurance endorsement types can empower your business.

commercial crime insurance
September 3 • Crime InsuranceCyber Liability

Commercial Crime Insurance Guide

Here’s the inside scoop on commercial crime insurance guide for startups and mid-level businesses. Learn the different types of commercial crimes and what crime insurance covers.

tech errors & omissions insurance
July 30 • Cyber LiabilityErrors & Omissions

Technology Errors & Omissions Insurance: What You Need to Know

Technology Errors & Omissions Insurance (Tech E&O) is the one thing that all tech companies need. Find out why.

Mitigating Cyber Risk with Google Cloud
March 26 • Cyber LiabilityGuest Post

Mitigating Cyber Risk with Google Cloud

Partnering with the right cloud provider is essential. Google Cloud outline how to mitigate cyber risk through trust, security, and proper cyber insurance.

COI Fetured
March 1 • Risk Management

Understanding Certificates of Insurance (COIs)

Everything you need to know about Certificates of Insurance (COIs)!

dockless scooters featuredv
August 22 • Cyber LiabilityGeneral LiabilityProperty

Growing Pains: The Future of Electric Scooters and Bike Sharing

Electric scooters and dockless bikes are popping up everywhere. We dive into risk management and the future of the industry.

Jobs Act Featuredv
August 14 • Directors & Officers

Jobs Act 3.0 Explained: How It Will Impact Business

The House has passed Jobs Act 3.0. What does this mean for business? We discuss the key takeaways of the act and how it will impact future IPOs.