Workers’ Comp: Are You Overpaying for Coverage?
Workers' comp costs are a concern for businesses. This post explores key factors driving costs and offers strategies for mitigating risks and optimizing insurance coverage. December 23 • Worker's Compensation
Top 5 Employment-Related Lawsuits [and How to Avoid]
The pandemic and social movements have increased employment-related lawsuits, leaving employers struggling to stay protected against costly litigation. Here are the top suits and how to avoid them.

How to Update Workers’ Comp for Remote Employees
Workers’ comp for remote employees is a new challenge companies face. Here’s how to navigate this confusing dilemma the right way and avoid common pitfalls.

OSHA’s New Workplace Safety Initiatives & Insurance
Biden and OSHA have teamed to release a new workplace safety initiatives — but how will this impact insurance for startups or mid-market businesses?

Workers’ Compensation: State by State Guide
Ever wonder how your state meaures up when it comes to Workers’ Compensation? Here’s a detailed guide to help you sort it out.

What Are Loss Run Reports?
As a small to mid-market company, it’s essential to use loss run reports to your advantage. Here’s how to make sense of these valuable reviews.

What does the California AB5 (gig economy) ruling mean for insurance?
California signed the AB5 (Gig Economy) ruling into law. This will have ramifications for the entire US insurance market, not just for CA.

Answered: Independent Contractor (1099) or W2 Employee?
Determining what type of labor to use W2 (full time) or 1099 (independent contractors) can be confusing. We break down how to classify your employees, the impact of recent court rulings and how to decide what’s best for your business.

Understanding Insurance Audits
The word “audit” is intimidating but in the insurance world it’s nothing to worry about! In this post, we look at what insurance audits are, why carriers need to perform them and how you can prepare so you’re not caught off guard.

How Insurance Companies Measure Payroll (and Bill You For It)
If you’re a growing business operating in the 21st century, you’ve most likely read about or experienced the importance of separating salaried employees from 1099 workers (Independent Contractors). If you’re less well-read on the subject, bottom line is this: at the end of the year, your workers compensation insurer will “audit” your payroll and charge

Beware: On-Demand Company Workers Compensation Costs
Update: We’ve released a new whitepaper examining the Sharing Economy industry. We dive into the insurance landscape, legal climate and how to approach risk management for companies in this sector. You can download the report here!

The “Dos” &”Don’ts” of Buying Startup Company Insurance
Buying startup company insurance can be a daunting task. The insurance market is fragmented and there is no shortage of products out there. The industry is not exactly tech savvy either, and many brokers still employ tools as archaic as fax machines in their practices. Just finding where to start can be a hassle! When

Startup Internships: What Founders Need to Know
**This is a guest post by Scott Smedresman of Sorin Rand.**

A Founder’s Guide to Workers Compensation Insurance
[note: this post originally appeared on WeWork’s fullstart blog; you can view the original post here.] Worker’s compensation insurance is one thing that founders seem to stress about quite a bit. We answer tons of questions about WC every day. So here we go…a startup founder’s brief guide to workers compensation insurance.