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Insurance for PR Agencies

In an industry that thrives on reputation and trust, having the right insurance isn’t just an option; it’s your partner towards hard-earned success. At Founder Shield, we understand that the right message at the right time can lead a brand to stardom, just as an unforeseen incident can bring about untold setbacks.

With our comprehensive business insurance specifically tailored for small business owners and public relations professionals like you, rest assured knowing your agency is covered and navigating the media landscape with confidence and security. 

Industry Overview

The US public relations firm industry is undoubtedly the backbone of corporate image and crisis management. The PR industry market is estimated at $107 billion globally, expanding at an impressive growth rate year-over-year.

The stakes, therefore, are quite high, and policies like professional liability and cyber are more than lines on a budget sheet. The right coverage is necessary for every public relations firm to protect themselves from lawsuits, data breaches, and huge expenses in case a client sues them for something.

Our plans are designed specifically to protect public relations professionals and their employees from facing the aftermath of lawsuits or any unwanted incidents, allowing you to focus on your business fully.

Why Is Insurance for
Public Relations Firms Important?

Public Relations Firms can leverage insurance to be protected against several risks, improve the efficiency of their business processes, and position themselves as credible within the industry.

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Content Liability

Public relations firms can be held liable for the content that they produce and distribute, including for defamation, copyright infringement, and privacy violations. Insurance can help to protect companies from the financial consequences of lawsuits.

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Media Errors and Omissions

Public relations firms can be held liable for errors and omissions in their work. This includes liability for providing inaccurate or misleading information, or for failing to disclose important information. Insurance can help to protect companies from the financial consequences of lawsuits.

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Cyber Risks

Public relations firms are increasingly vulnerable to cyber risks, such as data breaches, ransomware attacks, and phishing attacks. These attacks can damage the firm’s reputation, lead to lost revenue, and result in legal liability. Insurance can help to cover the costs of investigating and responding to cyberattacks, as well as the costs of notifying and compensating affected customers.

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Professional Liability

Public relations firms can be held liable for professional negligence, such as failure to meet deadlines, failure to deliver promised services, or failure to meet the client’s expectations. Insurance can help to protect companies from the financial consequences of lawsuits.

Public Relations Firms Insurance
Coverage & Policies

These coverages form the foundation of any risk management program for PR firms:

general liability
General Liability Learn More
General Liability

General Liability Insurance provides protection against claims arising from bodily injuries, property damage, or personal and advertising injuries linked to the firm’s operations or within its premises. For PR firms, interactions with clients, press events, or even regular office visits pose potential risks. This coverage safeguards PR firms from the financial ramifications of accidents or mishaps, ensuring smooth operational continuity even in the face of unexpected events.

errors and omissions
Errors and Omissions Learn More
Errors and Omissions

Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance is specifically crafted to shield businesses from claims arising out of professional mistakes, negligence, or service failures. PR firms, responsible for crafting narratives and managing reputations, may sometimes face allegations of causing financial harm due to an oversight or an unintentional mistake in their campaigns. E&O insurance offers protection against such claims, maintaining the firm’s credibility and financial stability.

Cyber Liability Learn More
Cyber Liability

In an increasingly digitized world, Cyber Liability Insurance is paramount. This coverage protects against potential cyber threats like data breaches or hacking incidents. PR firms, often privy to confidential client data and executing digital campaigns, are vulnerable to such cyber risks. A cyber liability policy ensures that in the event of a digital breach, the PR firm is shielded from severe financial and reputational impacts.

PR Specific
Insurance Coverage

These policies are essential for or can be tailored to the needs of companies operating in the public relations space:

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Content Creator Insurance Learn More
Content Creator Insurance

Content Creator Insurance is designed for those generating and distributing content. PR firms, constantly churning out press releases, multimedia content, and strategic communications, might inadvertently infringe on copyrights or face related content disputes. This insurance protects against potential legal implications arising from the content creation and distribution process.

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Intellectual Property Learn More
Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property (IP) Insurance defends against disputes revolving around IP rights, such as copyright, trademark, or patent infringements. PR firms, generating unique campaigns and materials, can either unintentionally infringe on others’ IPs or have their own original content infringed upon. IP insurance provides a buffer against these challenges, offering avenues for defense and pursuit in IP-related disputes.

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Property Learn More

Property Insurance offers coverage against damage to or loss of physical assets, such as office equipment, computers, or other valuables. PR firms rely heavily on their infrastructure, from state-of-the-art communication tools to specialized software. Property insurance ensures that unforeseen events, like theft, fire, or natural calamities, don’t hinder the firm’s operations or lead to significant financial burdens, facilitating quick recovery and return to normalcy.

PR Insurance Costs

When setting your PR agency’s insurance premium, insurers will weigh several factors. These include the agency’s size and revenue, reflecting potential risk exposure from lawsuits. The types and limits of coverage you choose, such as general or professional liability, will also influence the cost.  

Furthermore, a clean claims history can lead to lower premiums, while operating in a more litigious region might raise them. By understanding these factors, you can make informed decisions about coverage and budget effectively for your PR agency’s insurance needs.

PR Insurance Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ)

The cost of insurance for PR firms will depend on several things, including the company’s size and development stage. Other factors include:

  • Exposures: risks being insured
  • Company practices: views on safety, compliance, and risk management
  • Program structure: the amount of deductible and willingness for a company to assume more risk
  • Claims history: the type and amount of past claims against the company

PR insurance isn’t universally mandated by law, but it’s a highly recommended safeguard for professionals in the public relations sector. Given the nature of the industry—where managing reputations, communicating effectively, and handling sensitive information is pivotal—there’s a distinct risk profile that can benefit from specialized coverage. While not a legal necessity in most jurisdictions, some clients or partners might stipulate specific insurance requirements in their contracts to ensure both parties are shielded from potential liabilities.

The amount of PR insurance you require is influenced by several factors, including the size and scope of your PR firm, the nature of your clientele, the complexity of the campaigns you handle, and the regions in which you operate. A boutique PR agency might have different insurance needs compared to a large-scale, multinational PR conglomerate. It’s prudent to assess potential risks, including the financial implications of potential claims or lawsuits. Engaging with an insurance expert or conducting a detailed risk assessment can help identify the appropriate types and levels of coverage tailored to your firm’s specific needs.

Acquiring PR insurance starts with researching insurance providers that offer specialized coverages tailored to the communications and media sector. Begin by outlining your specific insurance needs and then approach these providers for quotes. It’s advisable to consult with an insurance broker or agent who understands the unique risks and requirements of PR firms. Their expertise can guide you to the right policy options, facilitate negotiations with insurers, and help ensure that you secure comprehensive protection at competitive rates.

Business liability insurance, commonly referred to as general liability insurance, is foundational coverage that protects businesses against financial losses resulting from claims of bodily injury, property damage, or personal and advertising injuries. These claims can arise from the company’s operations, products, or even incidents on its premises. For any business, including PR firms, this insurance provides a safety net, ensuring that potential lawsuits or claims don’t lead to substantial financial hardships or damage to the company’s reputation.


Absolutely. Insurance policies today are designed to be flexible, ensuring they cater to a business’s unique risk landscape. PR firms, with their distinct set of challenges and operations, can benefit from tailored insurance solutions. This customization can include adjusting coverage limits, incorporating specific endorsements or riders relevant to the PR industry, or excluding certain coverages that might not align with the firm’s risk profile. Collaborating closely with your insurance provider or broker will ensure that your customized policy offers both robust protection and value for money.

PR Insurance Quotes

Finding PR policies doesn’t have to be painful. We aim to make the purchasing experience as streamlined and intuitive as possible.

Get a quote

Use our custom-built digital platform to get quotes fast. We automate clerical tasks that plague traditional brokerages, giving us more time to be responsive and alert to your company’s needs.

Pair with a specialist

No two organizations are the same. Our team of coverage experts partners with your team to engineer your risk management strategy, together. We take the time to understand the intricacies of your company to get you the best possible coverage.

Stay one step ahead

To do better, you need to know better. With changing political, technological, legal, and economic landscapes, staying ahead of the curve is critical.

Our in-house team is tapped into the latest developments in your industry, proactively ensuring you’re covered.

Jonathan Selby General Manager
Jonathan Selby, Tech & Media Lead and General Manager

Your PR Insurance Specialist

Jonathan spent the first five years of his professional insurance career working as a generalist broker at a traditional firm on Long Island. Intrigued by how to leverage technology in the industry, he joined the Founder Shield team in 2016 and quickly grew into his current leadership role of General Manager. Jonathan works to oversee client strategy and communication, and has fostered a culture of providing unparalleled service and risk consulting for some of the fastest growing companies in the world. Outside of work, he can be found on the basketball court and chess board — but not at the same time.

Why Choose Founder Shield?

Founder Shield is a leading insurance provider that specializes in offering comprehensive coverage for PR companies, offering numerous benefits and advantages over traditional brokers. Here’s a breakdown of some of the key features and benefits that you’ll enjoy with us:

Benefits of Choosing Founder Shield
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Industry Expertise

Founder Shield is focused on protecting rapidly evolving PR startups. We ensure that our products are tailored to meet the unique needs of PR firms.

Customized Solutions

Founder Shield offers bespoke policies that are designed specifically for each client’s needs, ensuring comprehensive coverage that addresses the unique risks associated with PR operations.

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Fast Quotes

With Founder Shield’s streamlined quoting process, you can receive a personalized quote for your PR insurance quickly, allowing you to make informed decisions fast.

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Ease of Use

Founder Shield’s user-friendly digital platform makes it easy to manage your policy, submit claims, and access important documents whenever you need them.

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Dedicated Support

Founder Shield provides exceptional customer service, with dedicated account managers who are always available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about your insurance policy.

Scalable Coverage

As your PR firm grows, Founder Shield’s policies can grow with you, ensuring you always have the right level of coverage for your changing needs.

Founder Shield is a preferred choice for PR firms because of our specialization in the Media industry. We offer flexible and customized insurance policies, a speedy quoting process, and exceptional customer service with dedicated account managers.