Just released: How to raise venture capital in 2023


Directors & Officers

What D&O Insurance Endorsements Do You Need?

If you’ve caught a glimpse of any news, you already know that claims arising against directors and officers are more widespread now than ever before. Over the past five years, a whopping $23B was the cost of securities litigation—which is the most prevalent lawsuit nowadays. What this has... February 29 • Directors & OfficersRisk Management

claims-made vs occurrence
February 12 • Directors & OfficersErrors & OmissionsRisk Management

Claims-made vs. Occurrence Insurance Policies Explained

Choosing a claims-made vs. occurrence insurance policy for your startup or mid-sized company means knowing the pros and cons. We’ve got the details for you!

Directors and officers insurance trends
January 27 • Directors & Officers

D&O Insurance Pricing Trends 2020

Amid the ever-changing D&O insurance space, here’s what happened in 2019 and what you need to know for 2020

private equity insurance
January 8 • Directors & OfficersEPLIErrors & Omissions

Insurance for Private Equity & VC Firms

Investors face unique exposures in today’s world. Here’s what insurance firms need in private equity and venture capital sectors.

Cannabis Insurnace Feat
November 14 • Directors & OfficersGeneral LiabilityGuest Post

Cannabis Companies: Why Can’t We Get Insurance?

Cannabis companies often face issues trying to obtain insurance. Hawke Media explains these challenges and how to overcome them.

before going public
October 8 • Directors & OfficersRisk Management

Risk Management Tips Before Going Public

Here are risk management tips for mid-market companies to consider before going public.

September 17 • Directors & OfficersFiduciary Liability

ESOPs: Do They Impact D&O Insurance?

Plenty of risks are associated with ESOPs. But, how do they impact your current D&O, E&O, or general liability insurance policy. Here’s the scoop.

insurance for biotech companies
August 29 • Directors & OfficersProperty

Insurance Guide for Biotechnology Companies

Our guide to insurance for Biotechnology companies. What risks do Ag-biotech & Biopharma face? What policies do they need?

insurance for esports gaming arena and competiton feat
August 28 • Directors & OfficersErrors & Omissions

Insurance for ESports: Leagues, Teams & Tech

The hardest part of navigating insurance for e-sports is to know how it applies. We break it down.

Cannadian Cannabis Company DO Insurance
June 18 • Directors & Officers

D&O Insurance for Canadian Cannabis Companies

Securing D&O Insurance for Canadian Cannabis Companies can be a tricky business. We break down the legal climate, risk management and what to look out for.

on demand insurance trends feature
May 16 • Cyber LiabilityDirectors & OfficersEPLI

On-Demand & Shared Economy Insurance Trends

The Shared Economy & On-Demand industry will equal traditional operating models by 2025. We dive into risk management trends and key insurance takeaways.

sec and private companies
May 9 • Directors & Officers

Private Companies Won’t Escape SEC Scrutiny; D&O Coverage May Be Crucial

SEC suits against Theranos and Jumio illustrate that private companies won’t avoid SEC scrutiny and that D&O insurance is more important than ever.

Directors and Officers insurance pricing trends
March 14 • Directors & Officers

D&O Insurance Pricing Trends 2019

What is the D&O insurance market outlook in 2019? We take a deep dive in 2018 pricing trends and make our predictions for this year.

Pre IPO Checklist v .
December 19 • Directors & Officers

Pre-IPO Checklist 2019

Considering an IPO? We’ve created a 10 part a checklist to serve as a preliminary starting point for thought and discussion, as well as a brief primer on the process.

Elon Musk DO Insurance
October 10 • Directors & Officers

Elon Musk vs. Investors: Why D&O Insurance is Essential

Elon Musk has landed himself and Tesla in hot water. We break down the SEC settlement, class action lawsuits and how D&O Insurance comes into play.

Public DO insurance
October 2 • Directors & Officers

Public vs. Private Company D&O Insurance Explained

We break down the differences between private vs. public D&O policies and discuss common claim scenarios.

Jobs Act Featuredv
August 14 • Directors & Officers

Jobs Act 3.0 Explained: How It Will Impact Business

The House has passed Jobs Act 3.0. What does this mean for business? We discuss the key takeaways of the act and how it will impact future IPOs.

IPO Insurance
August 8 • Directors & Officers

Directors & Officers Insurance for IPOs

Any company considering an IPO needs an effective Directors & Officers insurance program in place. We break down the pros and cons of IPO’s and how they will impact your D&O policy.

insurance for an ICO
April 4 • Crime InsuranceDirectors & Officers

What’s the Right Insurance for an ICO?

Uncertainty in the ICO space is leading entrepreneurs to wonder how they can protect themselves from risk. Can these companies get insurance for an ICO like they can for other parts of their business? (Spoiler alert: yes they can)

startup D&O insurance post 2017
December 19 • Directors & Officers

Startup D&O Insurance: What You Need to Know

D&O insurance for startups is necessary for many reasons: protects your scaling efforts, meets investor requirements, safeguards executives, etc. But what does this coverage actually provide and how much will it cost you? Let’s clear the air.

DO Cheat Sheet Hero Image
December 18 • Directors & Officers

D&O cheat sheet for venture backed companies

Want to know more? Want to read more on the subject?  Check out our blog posts on directors & officers insurance.

insurance for bitcoin
December 5 • Crime InsuranceDirectors & Officers

Insurance for Bitcoin: 3 Facts Startups Need to Know

Bitcoin has been occupying the news but unless your only interest is today’s this minute’s price, there are still plenty of unanswered questions for startups. Jamie Dimon calls Bitcoin investors “stupid” and John McAfee says the price is going to $1 million by 2020. Meanwhile the grey area in-between is filled with noise. So we want to

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